
One morning I found myself perched here on the 5th floor of my building totally surrounded by fog. I poured my cup of coffee and sat down to read my devotionals. Smiled at the title scripture: “The Clouds are the dust of His feet” knowing and preparing my mind and spirit that the Lord is about to convey a message, a thought I’m to pursue, perhaps a story for Widow’s Talk.

In Oswald Chamber’s “My Utmost for His Highest” he states in part: HIs purpose in using the cloud is to simplify our beliefs until our relationship with Him is exactly like that of a child – a relationship simply between God and our own souls, —If there were never any clouds in our lives, we would have no faith. Yet it is through these very clouds that the Spirit of God is teaching us how to walk by faith.

I have always been fascinated by fog. It is so symbolic to me. How it can move about totally surrounding what lies in its path; knowing how dangerous it can be blocking our view of what lies ahead. Forcing us to slow down, focus on where we are and how we are to cautiously move forward.

Fog also provides the much needed moisture for the delicate plants and flowers, not unlike His children who need His loving care.

During a very painful and perplexing time of my life I loved to walk in the fog. I could feel His touch on my face; It was like a sauna that cleared my mind, my soul and healed my heartache; knowing that God would lift the cloud and His Son would shine again bringing forth a new day, a new life that I was meant to live. and a new purpose and destiny that He would reveal.

So now whenever things do not seem clear I simply pause, pray, and wait for the cloud of doubt to lift so that I can see clearly what is needed, where I’m to go, following the clear path before me.

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