Let the Stories Begin

My storytelling started as a child. I entertained myself by making up stories about the things I saw or experienced.  Oftentimes I simply enjoyed making up pretend stories. I would then tell them to my mother and my grandmother. Later in life I found that putting my memories and thoughts on paper, (journaling is perhaps a better word) brought reflection, enjoyment, and many times laughter out loud. This echoed in my heart and brought a smile to my face.  For a good part of my life prior to becoming a widow, I had been a motivational speaker.  I did this both professionally and for charity organizations.  I typically used storytelling as the format, using materials that would lead to a positive, encouraging, inspirational ending; or I would leave the audience with a challenge.

When my husband died, I realized that journaling was undoubtedly for me the most therapeutic and cathartic way to release my sadness and pain.   It also helped to remember and write about the happy times. Those memories lifted my spirit. It was an easy transition when I was to share some of my writings.

I published my first book, Miracles – Burdens Bring Blessings. The content was taken  from my journals about how the Lord had watched over me and protected me my whole life. The intent was to encourage and inspire others to live life unafraid and to the fullest.  It’s important to know and believe that the Lord always has your back.

When I became a widow friends would often inquire as to how I was able to adjust so seamlessly.  Little did they know of my trials and tribulations.  My  response was twofold:

  1. As a Christian, I believe with total confidence that I will someday see my husband again in eternity. That gives me peace.
  2. I journal my memories, both good and bad.  That  gives me the comfort and freedom I need to continue moving forward.

Again, friends and colleagues suggested I write another book . This book, “Wife to Widow,” is a collection of stories that share the reflections of my journey, my feelings, and lessons that can be gleaned from my experience.  I’m hopeful that, if nothing else, there will be laughter as you read my stories; and perhaps you will be inspired to share your stories here on Widow’s Talk.

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