The Humming Birds

Recently the home I was leasing was sold and therefore I had to relocate. Not an easy task to start, especially considering the shortage of homes available. However, I was blessed to have found a brand-new apartment within a huge complex only five minutes from my son and family. So perfect in so many ways.

One thing I knew I would miss from living on the golf course was the view of all the nature that surrounded me. The daily visits of hummingbirds, lizards, frogs, butterflies, bunnies, and the wide variety of birds including the occasional visits of the Red Winged Hawk and the single file daily march of th 40+ mallards ducks from the stream.

I have moved numerous times taking the inconvenience in stride based on the old saying “Bloom where you are planted.” I must say each time it most certainly has produced an adventure.

I had not been in my new home more than a week when standing outside in front of the elevator on the third floor waiting for its arrival, I became aware of a familiar sound. I turned to find a hummingbird not six inches from my face. I spoke softly “Well hello, have you followed me here?” It hovered for minute or so when the ding of the elevator startled it and my tiny friend flew away. What joy it brought me.

It is said of these little birds that they are messengers from heaven. They symbolize beauty, courage, endurance, lightness of heart, love, enjoyment of life, determination, and HOPE.

Then a week or so I was sitting on my deck enjoying my new view from the fifth floor when again I heard that wonderful sound. Sure enough, there was a hummingbird who had come to pay me a visit. After investigating the plants and water fountain he too flew away. I immediately drove to the nursery and purchased plants that are a delightful and nourishing snack for my tiny friend. He now arrives in early morning, often during the day and almost always for the evening meal.

An interesting note about hummingbirds … they also depict one of resurrection. Based on when they sleep at night, they appear to be dead. (Think opossum). Yet when the morning sun begins to shine, they are active, energetic, and ready to face the day with enthusiasm.

The question for us is… when we are awakened by our Son are we ready to embrace the day with the same enthusiasm as these delightful creatures. Are we readying ourselves to move forward from Wife to Widow?

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