Miracle At The Cleaners

At times when life’s journey brings grief and doubt, I am comforted by the “Little Things” around me; they are like a tutor, a guide who lifts my Spirit giving me strength, bringing me joy, peace and a reassurance that enables me to trust and hope in what lies ahead.

Take a minute and enjoy one of the “Little Things” stories I wrote about in my book Miracles.  The story began right after I had lost one of my closest and dearest friends, Susan.  We had been friends for 40 plus years and the loss weighed heavily.  This particular morning I was really having an emotionally hard time.  I was chatting with the Lord about all the losses, the pain and sadness I was feeling, not only the devastating loss of my friend, but all the preceding hurtful events of the year.  My final declaration of the morning was: “Lord I really don’t think I can handle one more loss. Please, Lord, not today.”

Our weather had turned into a scorching 95-degree heat wave but worse was the 70 percent humidity. This triggered my memory of an outfit I had sent to the laundry weeks before.  The outfit was like wearing a soft white hanky: cool and comfortable.   “Perfect”  I thought, “I’ll wear it tonight”

With that thought I headed to the cleaners.  I arrived and was greeted with a big smile and cheerful voice asking for my claim ticket.  The clerk clicked on the equipment that circled around the room, then started plucking my dry cleaning from the rack and placing at the counter.  Next came the load of laundry, also placed at the counter. There seemed to be something missing, my outfit wasn’t there.  The young girl checked the ticket again, frowned, then pulled out a rolling ladder and started down the first long aisle of hanging clothes.  Words were shouted out to a co-worker who then also grabbed a ladder and started down the next aisle. I could hear them systematically pulling the thin plastic covered clothes along the pipes that were suspended from the ceiling.  Still nothing was found hiding in either aisle; there was one last row to be checked.   I’m thinking “Oh dear, I sure hope they find it.”

Another customer came in with a load of laundry and placed it on the counter.  A lady came from the back to the counter to wait on her.  The customer was also carrying an item hanging from a bright yellow felt hanger (not one from the cleaners).  I couldn’t believe my eyes. I inquired “Is that your outfit?”  “Why no, it isn’t,” she said. “My housekeeper brought it home last week thinking it was mine and hung it in my closet;  it isn’t mine so I’m returning it.”   I started laughing, then shouted out to the ladies “Found it!”  The three of them climbed down from their ladders and returned to the counter area, looking at each other to see who had found my outfit.  Each, of course, were empty-handed, with very puzzled looks on their faces. Now pointing to the customer, I said, “She found it!” “She found it in her closet”

The now six of us marveled at the amazing timing and  circumstances.  One of the young girls shouted out “It’s a miracle! – a miracle at the cleaners!”  We all laughed joyfully and agreed with her.  Yes, it was a miracle.

I loaded my car with all my clean clothes. I got in the driver’s seat and wept, recognizing that God knew I was at my limit and had honored that I could not handle one more loss, even something as unimportant as an old outfit.  What touched my soul the most; He even cared about MY “Little Things”.

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