Maui Footprints

Experiencing the dating scene again conjured up some very mixed emotions on numerous fronts.  I regrouped, then reviewed what progress I’d made in moving forward by “trying new things”.  I had been at yet another fundraiser and won a silent auction item: a one week stay at a lovely condo on Maui. “Wait!” I thought.  “I haven’t tried a vacation by myself. Okay, decision made!  I’ll celebrate my 11-11-11 birthday on Maui.”  I had decided to go to Maui alone; seeking a time of understanding, reconciling, and healing. I needed to move forward  with my life and find my purpose .  I called my travel agent and booked a flight to Maui.  She was a bit surprised that I was going alone, along with friends.

Fast forward to the condo in Maui. I was enjoying my last cup of coffee at the beachside restaurant, soaking in all the surrounding beauty, sounds of the birds, and fragrances of all the flowers, when the Lord spoke to me.  “Minnie, let’s take a walk”.  “Okay, it’s  a beautiful morning and what an incredible place to be, even though I’m here alone.  Well, of course I have you, Lord”  I said in a silent prayer.  “Thank you for always being with me.”

I signed the check and headed down the path that leads to the beach. The water was gently washing the sand, so calm, making only a whisper as it retreated, disappearing into the vast ocean.  No one was on the beach. How amazing! Maui is a haven for vacationers, yet it was mine alone. I started down the beach and as far as I could see either way there was no one.  “How special is this!”  I suddenly felt His strong, loving presence. I realized the Lord had truly invited me to join him.  At first, we just walked; He said nothing.  Then He asked “What do you see”?  My answer: “Footprints.”

Some were big, deep, manly footprints. Others were smaller, perhaps made by a woman or children. The little ones darting in and out of the water’s edge appeared to be made by the children. That brought back fond memories of my children playing in the sand and watching the water slip into their sandcastles; or when they would venture out to the water’s edge, letting the water tease their toes.  It warmed my heart just thinking how life seems so exciting and joyful when you’re young.  Each day feels like Christmas morning, waiting eagerly to open the packages under the tree.  I smiled and chuckled to myself, thinking of what fun and mischievous times those days had been.

Then the Lord said “My children are forever young. Your energy, thinking, and appearance reflect My Spirit within you that keeps you young.  However, it is still your choice to reside there with me.  When you do, many are attracted to you and want to be with you because a happy heart is refreshing, infectious and laughter is so healing. Yes, I agree that I created happiness as a twin, and it is to be shared.”

He continued: “Stop and think how many times friends, colleagues, and new acquaintances comment on how young you are. They have said they want what you what you have.  There are those who perceive this as a threat. They worry they can’t keep up with you and that you will abandon them.  They make the mistake of comparing themselves and feel they can’t measure up. This has been a hurtful part for you as I know you didn’t understand what was happening when a friendship or relationship crumbled.”

“You are so right,” I said, “It is painful, yet I can’t seem to do anything about it.  I am who You created me to be, and I like me most of the time. I know that I have made terrible mistakes by running ahead of You, not waiting, and I’m sorry.  You know too that at this time I’m broken hearted and confused by all that has happened.  You have said that You came to heal the brokenhearted and that is why, Lord, I came here by myself.  I came to seek You and find direction.  Help me to see where I’m supposed to go, what I am to do.  What is my purpose? You also said that: “You know the plans you have for me; they are for good and not for evil, they are for a Hope and a Future. ” ” So, Lord, what does my future hold?”

He answered quickly “Before we try and look to the future, let’s look at the past.  If you genuinely believe “all things work together for good” then look again at the footprints.  They are symbolic.  People have come in and out of your life.  I have moved you from place to place where you have been able to meet and make many new friends wherever I take you. Example is Norton Associates.  Your successes, adventures, and experiences brought you lifelong friends over that period of time.

“Wow!”  There was such a rush, remembering in flashbacks so many, many times both the good and the bad, when I was at Norton Associates. Without question I have many dear friends and had wonderful times.

“It’s all part of the plan.” He continued: “I know you don’t understand what has happened or why, but I do.  In time you will too.  But it’s in My time, not yours. You may have made mistakes, but I do NOT.  Now I want you to stop.  I want to wash your feet just as I did the disciples’ thousands of years ago.”  I stood there as the sea water gently washed over my feet.  I felt as though I was being baptized again, tears running down my face, letting go of my hurt, my pain, my sorrow.  Letting go of the life I had hoped for. And finally forgiving myself for the mistakes I’d made.  I felt empty, yet at the same time renewed.  “Now look behind you.” He said. “What do you see?”   NOTHING! There were no footprints. They too had all been washed away.  “You have a clean slate, a new beginning this morning and EVERY morning.  We will walk together into the future; I will never leave you – I am always with you, do not fear, TRUST ME.  Have I not told you: “Take delight in me and I will give you your heart’s desires.  And have I not told you that I have saved the Best for the Last, like my first miracle – the wedding wine.?

I stood there in total amazement, not wanting this time with the Lord to end.  As I looked up and down the beach there still was no one; I closed my eyes, thanking the Lord and savoring the moment.  Then the “other” voice came from the spirit of deception, in a mocking tone saying:  “How do you know this was the Lord?  It’s just self-talk!” I sighed deeply and turned toward the water. I opened my eyes to notice that a young couple had slipped into the water.  They were kneeling, facing one another, obviously lovers splashing water at each other.  It made me smile, when suddenly the young man stood and turned his back to me.  There was the conformation; I HAD heard the Lord correctly.  Tattooed on his back from one shoulder to the other in 6” letters the word NORTON!   I laughed so hard and cried tears of joy.  Yes, indeed the Lord was with me, and a NEW LIFE had just begun.

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