Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!

This beautiful scripture would bring calm and comfort to me. It is interesting if you can look into the mirror with Spiritual eyes and ask to see into the reflection what our Lord sees.  Trust that reflections will bring courage, strength, and perhaps even clarity that can penetrate your thoughts, and if allowed, can heal your heart and soul.

I am Minnie Scott, Widow  – Founder & Director of Widow’s Talk!

Suddenly becoming a widow after being happily married for thirty-three years I would each morning find myself standing and looking into the bathroom mirror asking: The “How?” The “Now What? and above all the “Who am I?” questions.

It was loving friends and family who listened, shared, and cared for me during my time of sorrow and grief; who advised me to rest when I was exhausted and unable to think clearly. I could easily have gotten lost in the making of decisions.  One thing I did learn was that not every decision has to be made immediately and I could instead mull it over and shelve it for later when clear headed.

One of the first steps to moving forward: Take a Reality Check. Take the time to  separate: Fantasies, Feelings and Fears from with actual Facts about who you are and how do others see you.  Knowing this important firsr step helped me get a grasp on reality and to better accept the “not understanding” of what I was going through.

Fortunately, I journal almost every morning. This allows me to leave on the page all the negative feelings, fears, and doubts that I had “allowed” to saturate my thoughts, almost paralyzing the reality of TRUTH. Equally important is to express your gratitude for all the blessings that come to you in many forms big or small.  It is sometimes the “little things” that mean the most.

Spending quiet time with my Lord ministered to me; it centered me  knowing that I am never alone and that I am strong when I trust in the Lord.  This strength, in part, is the first step to Move Forward; let Him lead the way to the path He has chosen just for you.

Published and Managed by Widow's Talk, LLC

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