The Mourning Dove

Each morning before I begin, I ask for the Lord to guide me as to what He would like me to write about. I had just listened to Dr Jerimiah’s teaching on Elisha and an ordinary miracle. The message was how God cares about not only the need for “big” but the “little” ordinary miracles that we need in our daily lives.

An immediate flashback came to mind about “Little Things”. I was visiting a close friend in the hospital; someone that I respected, admired, and loved very much. While sitting in a chair next to a window, a mourning dove landed on the ledge. I couldn’t resist. I placed my finger on my side of the ledge across from the dove. Immediately my new feathered friend started pecking on the window trying to get my finger. It made me chuckle. I then would drag my finger along the ledge away from where it was perched. The dove quickly followed. Back and forth we went for five minutes or so.

After minutes of watching this my friend, who had been smiling, almost laughing, enjoying the interaction between me and the dove, suddenly seemed to have gained a new and deep meaningful discovery. His facial expression had totally changed to one of a penetrating or a revealing epiphany. “It is the little things that brings you joy and that makes you happy, isn’t it?” A proclamation, he was sharing his new-found an insight as to who I am. I smiled and nodded my head “Yes”. Nothing else needed to be said.

I have found that “little things” be they a rainbow placed inside a drop of dew, the painted face of a flowers or an amazing design of a spider web, are guides/tutors God places in our daily lives. When we recognize, ponder, and wonder about the “little things” our faith grows; we can gain an understanding in these teaching treasures, finding reassurance and comfort in knowing how much God cares even about the “little things”.

Published and Managed by Widow's Talk, LLC

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