The Mustard Seed

“I say to you, if you have the faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: “Move from here to there,” and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

At age 3 1/2 my family was visiting the home of my Aunt. One day she took me by my hand and we went to her garden that was filled beautiful flowers and we sat down on a wooden bench. She told me that she had a very special gift for me, but first wanted to know if I knew Jesus. “Oh yes!” I said enthusiastically, “He was a little baby but he died and went to live with God. ” I continued happily sharing my knowledge,: “God was his father and he lives in heaven with God, but someday he is going to come back and make things better. Mommy says that if we are good we get to go live with him too.”

She pulled out from her pocket a necklace with a little bobble that slipped back and forth on the chain. My Aunt then proceeded to tell me about what was inside the clear bobble. It was a mustard seed and it was VERY special. If you planted this little seed, watered it, and cared for it; someday it would grow up to be as big as the tree over there. I looked again and again at the little seed in the bobble and then at the big tree, trying to understand how that could be.

She explained, “This little seed is like Faith and if you believe that Jesus can do anything, then everything is possible. It takes a lot of believing in Jesus and God, and “IF” you can believe even a tiny, tiny bit, as tiny as this little mustard seed, you can do ALL things because Jesus is right there with you: Maybe this will also help you remember,” she said as she put the necklace around my neck,. “He never leaves you, NEVER!”

At times life’s journey does bring grief and doubt. I find when I observe or remember the “Little Things” like the mustard seed they are like a tutor, a guide who lifts my Spirit giving me strength; bringing me joy, peace, and a reassurance that enables me to trust and hope in what lies ahead.

Published and Managed by Widow's Talk, LLC

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