The Sun Will Rise Again

Last night I was enjoying dinner at an oceanside restaurant with a friend of forty plus years.  We watched and waited for the sun to set. As it lowered down through the fluffy clouds we watched the sun changing the cloud colors from pinks to shades of orange and reflecting its rays onto the water, dancing along on the waves as they traveled to shore. We both agreed there is no question that God is the master artisan; and since the beginning of time He has never produced the same motion picture. Each sunset is unique, just as we are each one of a kind.

As the sun set closing another day, we discussed how blessed we are to have the hope that the sun will rise and shine, and the comfort that our Son keeps watch over us regardless of whether the sun is shining or buried deep behind the clouds.

There are times, however, that  the sun is hidden behind deep, dark, and sometimes troubling clouds.  We too can become troubled, anxious, and fearful during such stormy times; testing us and if permitted robbing us of the trust in our faith.

My friend and I have shared many such times over the years. We have weathered the storms together, becoming stronger and more determined to wait for and welcome tomorrow’s sunrise ushering in a new day of promise and hope.

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