Wonder & Ponder

There are times when we all wonder and ponder the “whys” and “ifs” of our lives,  contemplating the path we should follow.  Symbolism through nature has always played a huge part in my  being able to gain insight and clarity; it allows me to see the blessings that are provided, giving me peace and reassurance . Invite the Lord to join you.  Let Him minister and guide you as He pours out His living water healing you mind, spirit and soul.

Many authors  find inspiration and/or clarity when sitting by the sea. This would be true  for me, except having originating from Kansas, I did not have the benefit of sitting by the ocean.  Instead, I had rivers, lakes, and ponds where I found it soothing and empowering; leaving me feeling confident with the assurance that the Lord was with me, and  He has poured His Living Water into my mind, my heart and my soul.

Be it still waters of a  pond, the roar of a rushing stream, or just a trickle from a sweet brook making its way across the stones and debris my thoughts pause momentarily then gain momentum as they continue on to an unknown destination known only to the Creator.

Sometimes I would place a leaf on the water, and watch it travel downstream, following it for as far as I could. Then from a distance I could see it disappear dipping down into a swirling pool as it continued on its journey.

This provided a visual baptism. Placing my thoughts of anger, loneliness, and confusion on the leaf I was able to release the pain and focus on forgiving and forgetting.  This set me free from negativity enabling me to think clearly and to  confidently move forward into the next leg of my own journey.

Now that I live in California my brook substitute is my small fountain perched on my deck.  The soft trickle of the water ministers to my soul throughout the day, reminding me of the brook and all the attributes it provided to help keep me healthy and happy.

I am also blessed to be only minutes from the beautiful Pacific Ocean. I often drive along the coast, windows down, allowing the smell of the salt air to enter the car, invigorating me, clearing my mind. The sound of the waves crashing onto the beach is so exhilarating.  As they retreat back into the vast body of water a whisper is spoken as it rolls across the sand, reassuring me it will return, again and again and all is well.

Be it the ocean, a garden or meadow, the mountains or a desert, even a busy city street bustling with people, God is there for you listening to your story and helping you to move forward.

We at Widow’s Talk are here to help to encourage you Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk.

Published and Managed by Widow's Talk, LLC

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